Privacy Policy

Commitment to Privacy Protection

Jaladhi, deeply committed to safeguarding the privacy of our customers, adheres strictly to the principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 and abides by the guidelines established by the Australian Privacy Principles. We are dedicated to ensuring that all personal information collected in the normal course of our business transactions is kept confidential. We actively take necessary measures to guard against any unauthorized access, misuse, loss, or disclosure of stored personal data.

Scope of this Policy

This Privacy Policy is pertinent to all personal data collected by Jaladhi via our website,

Definition of 'Personal Information'

As defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), "personal information" is any information or opinion about an identifiable or reasonably identifiable individual, irrespective of the truthfulness of the information or opinion and whether it is in tangible form or not. Information that doesn’t reveal or allow for the ascertainment of one’s identity generally does not fall under the category of "personal information" and is thus not within the scope of this policy.

Data Collection

The nature of the personal information we gather from you is influenced by your interaction with our website. This may include, but is not limited to, details such as your name, email address, postal address, phone number, login credentials, and payment information.

Collection Methods

Personal information is collected through your active input of such data on our website. Additionally, we gather cookies from your computer, which help us monitor your use of the site and enhance your browsing experience. It is important to note that these cookies, in general, do not allow us to personally identify you.

Purpose of Data Collection

Our primary goal in collecting personal information is to deliver an optimal service experience on our website. We typically disclose personal data only to our service contractors who aid us in the site's operation. Occasionally, personal data may be accessed by maintenance and support staff during their routine duties.

Consent to Direct Marketing

By using our website, you agree to receive direct marketing materials from us. We will use your personal information for such purposes only if it was obtained directly from you and the material is of a type you would reasonably expect to receive. Sensitive personal data is not utilized in direct marketing. Our marketing communications will provide an easy way for you to opt out of further messages.

Access and Amendment

In line with Australian Privacy Principle 12, you can request access to your personal information under certain conditions. Australian Privacy Principle 13 permits you to correct any inaccurate personal data. To make such requests, please reach out to us as indicated below.


Should you have any complaints about how we handle your personal data, please contact us using the details provided below. We will thoroughly consider each complaint and may request additional information to better understand your concerns. Should we find your complaint valid, we will consult with you to rectify the issue. If dissatisfaction persists, you may approach the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Overseas Transfer

We do not disclose personal data to overseas entities unless explicitly requested by you. In such cases, the recipient will not be obligated to adhere to the Australian Privacy Principles, and we shall not be held responsible for any mishandling of your information under these circumstances.

Contacting Us Regarding Privacy Matters

For any inquiries, access requests to your personal information, or complaints about our privacy practices, please email us at